Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring House Cleaning!

Achoo! Our Little Wooden Doll is cleaning up her room now that spring is here! Dust is everywhere! But when it is all done, she will love having a clean and sparkling bedroom.

Check out her green checkered top with the khaki shorts (which have a matching pocket!). The little broom is included with the outfit.

Click Here To See More Of...Spring House Cleaning!


  1. Ha! Cute! I love that little broom. You've got to make her a little witch outfit with a witch hat for next Halloween. That broom would come in handy again!

  2. ...can you do a post on how you get your ideas or what inspires you to come up with these outfits? It would never enter my mind to create these beautiful clothes. I was just wondering what your process was.

  3. Actually, Kelly, I will be posting something this weekend on different ideas that are coming up and some other areas where I want to focus! Glad you liked the idea. There is a very odd one - maybe tomorrow - not sure; the Taxman Cometh!
    Love you,
