Sunday, November 8, 2009

What a beautiful day here in Cincinnati! It was too nice to be inside all day – this morning I took a soul-comforting walk through my neighbor. We are lucky because we have a small park nearby – Stanberry Park. Between the leaves blowing helter-skelter and the crunching sound of the leaves as I walked through them, I was autumn-heaven!

Eventually, I did the responsible thing and got to work on The Little Wooden Doll. I have a couple of orders that needed to be finished up and I also wanted to design a few new ideas, too.

I remember smiling when I watched “Miss Potter” (that would be Beatrix, of course) as her drawings came to life and sometimes became somewhat independent, much to her dismay. Not completely sure I should be owning up to this, but I am starting to relate to that same situation with the Little Wooden Doll! I am definitely talking to her and luckily, so far, she hasn’t answered me back.

So – what am I working on? A friend asked me to make a school uniform (sports) for his daughter and I am also meeting with a local shop this week to see if they will carry LWD. Keeping my fingers crossed! Also, creating a simple red/white/blue Veteran’s Day outfit; “Waiting for Mr. Darcy” is being changed to “Yellow Bird” – I have a better idea for Mr. Darcy. And I also worked on a sweet Christmas dress for LWD to wear to the symphony! I have discovered that I really like hats and or other accessories, so I need to get some creative juices flowing on that idea.

I only have one person right now that reads my blog – and I want her to know I really am trying to figure this blog-thing out!!! Love you Kelly and thanks to Curg – my webmaster who is very patient with me.


  1.'re going to have a lot of people reading your blog soon, and I bet there are more than one already. Okay......did you know Mr. Darcy is my favorite all-time character, and I live and breath Beatrix Potter (I loved that movie as well...)? I read Pride and Prejudice at least once a year, and my art room is decorated with Beatrix prints....and I've read all the books about her. But....back to Mr. Darcy...I'm going to have to buy a doll for myself when you come out with that dress! (We must have some of the same genes, because Alexander Hamilton is one of my favorite figures in history, and I know you like him too...).

  2. Alexander Hamilton, Mr. Darcy . . . a woman's paradise. for you and myself - the genes are all good!
