Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves! Little Wooden Doll’s mother made her this pretty autumn dress, getting ready for the Harvest Ball!

The dress is a long skirt and a bodice all adorn in many colored leaves. No doubt she will have to wear her shawl when that full moon starts to creep up the horizon!

Click Here To See More Of...Autumn Leaves

Monday, August 16, 2010

Day Camp

Day Camp! Our Little Wooden Doll is headed to French Park today with many of her girlfriends – for a day of great fun! They will go hiking, eating lunch at their little camp site and spend the rest of the day doing various activities, including making ‘sit upons”. Thanks to all those moms who are leading the way!

Summer is coming closer to an end and school will begin soon, so enjoy yourself sweet LWD and appreciate this exquisite (although hot) day!

Wearing her denim shorts and a plaid red and yellow smock, you will be very stylish, too! Don’t you love the rhinestones?

Click Here To See More Of...Day Camp

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sunflower Girl

Sunflower Girl! Our Little Wooden Doll is all decked out in her ‘sunflower’ dress! Her Grandma has lots of sunflower plants in her back yard and they are taller than LWD!

This little dress is a warm yellow with sunflowers on the neckline and one solitary flower on the skirt!

Hey, Little Wooden Doll - will you and your Grandma be searching for sunflower seeds today?

Click Here To See More Of...Sunflower Girl

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy Sunday - August 1st, 2010!

It's our Little Wooden Doll's official anniversary! One year ago today we began marketing and selling the three sweet little dolls. The dolls were actually completed in July; we had about 15 outfits by end of July and on August 1st, 2009 created the Etsy account.

Today we have over 100 outfits! We also have a new 'wardrobe' and a few new dolls in the works - I can't wait for them to be finished - thought they would be done months ago, but one of the lessons I learned is that budgeting the money is tough!

I thought the favorite doll would be "Angel" - she has the black hair with a pink band, but she actually turned out to be the least favorite! I have sold more of "Eva" - my brunette - than the other two. The favorite outfit is "Playing with the Baby Lambs" - it is a little denim jeans with a red bandana top outfit.

In October, I will be at the Mercy Fest Craft Show, which takes place at the Immaculate Heart of Mary church - if you have the time, stop by. They have a wonderful selection of all kinds of items - especially great ideas for Christmas gifts.

The Villager, in Mariemont Ohio, still carries the Little Wooden Dolls - it is a great shop right in the heart of Mariemont!

Thanks to anyone who has supported me - it has been so much fun. The Little Wooden Doll is a combination of two favorite past times for me when I was young: I loved paper dolls and I loved making clothes for my real dolls! Watch for a post in the future - I still have some of those dolls and a few of the outfits that I made when I was (probably) about 10 years old! Trust me - Vera Wang has no worries!

To Kelly - my most loyal blogger fan - thank you for all your kindness and your very creative comments about the outfits! And to Curg - my webmaster - you have found a new vocation! Thanks for helping and being technically savvy enough to get my website created and updated everyday!

Hopefully sometime today, we will post the first outfit ever put on Etsy. I thought it was soooo cute at the time and now I just wonder what on earth I was thinking! It is time for a 'do over' for this outfit! The idea was pretty good - a little forest green outfit with a white apron for cooking - but the 'seamstress' wasn't at her best that day!

Love to all of you!


"All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney